Diamond Green Diesel
Valero’s Diamond Green Diesel joint venture is the world's second-largest producer of sustainable renewable diesel. Using recycled animal fats, used cooking oil and distiller's corn oil, we produce a low-carbon fuel that reduces life cycle greenhouse gas emissions up to 80% compared with traditional diesel.

Leading Innovation Through Our Investment in Renewable
Ethanol Fuels
With 12 plants, Valero is the second-largest producer of corn ethanol in the world, a clean-burning, high-octane renewable fuel that lowers life cycle greenhouse gas emissions up to 28% compared to non-blended gasoline.
We Are Committed Stewards
of the Environment
For Valero, being the most efficient and reliable operator in a highly competitive industry means being the most environmentally responsible.
We strive to reduce emissions, increase efficiency and invest in opportunities that improve our environmental stewardship.